Lead Contractor: BAM & Ballast Nedam Joint Venture
Architect: EGM Architects
Consulting Engineers: Deerns
Completed: 2017
The total project was budgeted at €450 Million and was for the construction of a new university hospital comprising of 185,000m2 of new buildings including 26 operating theatres, 12 radiotherapy bunkers, patient isolation rooms and BSL3 laboratories.
Throughout the design process Critical Airflow worked with the MEP consultants to develop a safe effective solution for the control of these critical spaces, the solution for the pandemic ready isolation rooms was based around Phoenix Pressure Independent Controls to enable patient rooms to be pressure controlled at Negative, Neutral or Positive with reference to the corridors.
In addition, Critical Airflow were contracted to supply Strobic Tri-Stack Exhaust Fans to ensure the safe exhaust of contaminated air from the laboratory areas.
Erasmus MC – Pandemic Ready 2020
Erasmus MC are well prepared for admitting patients that have been infected with the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, that emerged in China at the end of last year.
Thanks to the foresight of the hospital design team in recognising that Influenza viruses have threatened the globe at least three times in known history the decision to incorporate into the design a pandemic ready solution has proved invaluable as the COVID-19 virus sweeps across the globe causing health and economic damage.
Patient Isolation Rooms - COVID-19
When a patient with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 is admitted to Erasmus MC, emergency staff will be ready to meet the patient on arrival, once diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is moved to a special isolation room.
The room with two doors is separated by a small room where staff and visitors change into protective clothing, this procedure is followed by a strict protocol of washing and disinfect their hands, the air in the room is extracted at a constant volume.
In the isolated room the patient’s breath, which contains virus particles, cannot enter the corridor or other rooms. The air pressure in the room and adjacent corridor is regulated by pressure independent Phoenix Control Valves in such a way that contaminated air cannot escape through the door, due to the stringent pressurisation regime.
A proven pandemic ready solution from Critical Airflow enables hospital designers to engineer an HVAC system to be “pandemic-ready”. A pandemic-ready HVAC system allows rooms in a section of the hospital to be converted on-demand to negative pressure spaces, effectively creating an isolation ward in the event of an outbreak. A pandemic-ready hospital is one that is prepared for coping for patient surge with enough negative pressure rooms to ensure the safety of the public and hospital staff.
Acute Patient Care (Critical and Nursing)
Phoenix Theris® Control Systems for Healthcare Spaces
The Theris® brand of products are designed specifically for hospitals and critical care facilities and can help healthcare facilities reduce maintenance costs, reduce the spread of airborne pathogens and conserve more energy.
Isolation rooms and nursing care patient rooms require the best ventilation available for the safety of patient and staff. Proven healthcare solutions from Critical Airflow utilising an accurate and consistent Phoenix room pressurisation and temperature control system will create “on demand” the ability to convert normal patient rooms to pandemic mode as a cost-effective option.
For more information contact: Mr Phil Milne Smith at: p.milnesmith@criticalairflow.com